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Romance Submissions

Submission Guidelines:

Please read completely as failure to comply will result in a rejection.

Important: Simultaneous submissions are prohibited. If you are submitting your work to another publisher do not submit to us. Authors pulling their work from consideration due to acceptance elsewhere will forfeit any opportunities with us in the future. 


We accept previously published stories as long as they are no longer in circulation for public viewing and the author still obtains full rights. 

Submission email:

Submissions must be edited to the best of your ability.  Do not send first drafts. We highly recommend author groups and beta readers.

Short Story submissions:
~The subject of the email must have the following;
*Your story title
*Submission call title
*Word count
               (ex: Slime Time, Tot Tales, 1500w)
                 *  *  *
~Send all stories in a document as an attachment. Do not submit the story in the body of the email.~

~Submissions must include a title page that contains;

*Story title
*Author's legal name
*Author's pen name (if applicable)
*Word count
*Short bio of 100 words or less in 3rd person
Poetry submissions:

~Send poems in a document as an attachment. Do not submit in the body of the email. The subject of the email must contain the following;
*Poetry anthology, title.

*If you are submitting multiple poems, title it as such: Poem Anthology, QTY 5.

*We do not need a word count unless specified in the call. 

*The title page must include:
*Title of all poems 
*Author's legal name

*Author's pen name (if applicable)

*Short bio of 100 words or less in the third person.

*Poems may be submitted in the same document but separated by a page

Author's should receive a confirmation reply email within 7 days of submission. If you do not receive one, please send a follow-up email.

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